BoxMag RFM one-layer
BoxMag separators with one layer provide excellent protection for mills and other shredding units. When passing through the magnetic system magnetizable particles are removed from powdery, pourable products. With their extremely strong magnetic field the installed neodymium filter rods even affect many of the low-magnetic stainless steels.
We only use high quality rare earth magnet material. At the effective surface of the filter rods our standard achieves flux density values of more than 1000 Milli-Tesla (10.000 Gauss).
The EasyClean unit which is included in the standard design guarantees the easy removal of the seized metallic particles.
Design options
- Integration into the tube pipe system
- Jacob-system connections (standard)
- BFM-connections
- flanges
- Fixation of the insertion
- DeStaCo quick releases
- spring compressors
- After previous agreement we can deliver all BoxMag-systems with the equipment for the use in the ATEX area up to zone 20